Other file formats

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Other file formats

ESRI Map Projection Metadata File (.PRJ): recommended but not mandatory that shapefiles have associated map projection files in ESRI softwares. TopoLynx topoXplore will write this file for every newly created or exported ESRI shape (.SHP) layer.


ESRI Code Page File (.CPG): associated to ESRI Shape (.DBF) files, that stores the used character set of the layer's attribute table. In TopoLynx topoXplore the created new ESRI Shape file's code page is ANSI.
New layer dialog to an ANSI encoded Shapefile
However TopoLynx topoXplore can also handle UTF-8 and UTF-16 (UNICODE) encoding also, depending on the CPG file's content.
For ArcGIS, Geopublisher and AtlasStyler SLD Editor, just create a .CPG file (with same base filename (prefix) as all other files included in the Shapefile format cluster) and fill it with the name of the encoding: ANSI. e.g. create an ESRI_Shape-Layer_Name.cpg with a text editor like Notepad and insert 4 characters "ANSI" and save it. If you then open the Shapefile in ArcGIS, Geopublisher or AtlasStyler, they will read the textual contents of the DBF in that charset.
CPG file's content in Notepad


TopoLynx code dictionary file (.CDT): require for use code sets to the attribute data collection. The default code dictionary (General.CDT) can be used for newly created mapping projects.


TopoLynx topoXplore classes - symbology definition file (.CLS): the symbology definition file can be exported to each classified vector layer of a map view on the Classes dialog > Menu > with the Save option. You can import the symbology definition from a .CLS file on the Classes dialog > Menu > with the Load option when you specify the symbology for a layer in TopoLynx topoXplore. Once you've defined the symbology for a layer, it's easy to reuse that same symbology definition in any other layers.


Export symbology definition file

save_cls save_cls_file_dialog


Import symbology definition file

load_cls load_cls_file_dialog


Geoid Separation Files