Port settings

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Port settings

The GPS serial port panel contains the following controls:


The GPS serial port panel



[  ] Simulation - Enables to use and play NMEA logfiles.

k-tip-iconNMEA logfiles can be captured in TopoLynx topoXplore on the Logger tab.

 dtGpsSim.log  - Clickable button to select a logfile. Default filename is dtGpsSim.log that can be played next to the application's main EXE file: topoExp.exe.


Parity: Choose the parity of your GPS/GNSS receiver. The default is No parity.

Databits: Choose the number of data bits of your GPS/GNSS receiver. The default is 8 bits.

Stopbits: Choose the number of stop bits of your GPS/GNSS receiver. The default is 1 stopbit.