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Navigation:  Settings >


The Layout tab contains the following controls:


The Layout tab



Interface elements: you can choose from three sizes - small, medium and large. In the mobile version this will affect the size of the frame navigation button's and the layer manager's size, in the desktop version it will also affect the size of the menus and other interface elements.


Large toolbar: Switches to an alternative toolbar on PDA-s, developed for controlling capacitive touch screens.


Classic layout: TopoLynx topoXplore uses the Windows API® controls


topoXplore interface: TopoLynx topoXplore uses the TopoLynx GUI controls


GNSS button on the main screen: You can set if you want to reach the GNSS status dialog with one tap from the map view or you want to cycle through the display modes.


Rangefinder icon on the main screen: Places a new icon on the main screen which indicates the status of the laser rangefinder. If the rangefinder has been connected, there will be a laser_not_active icon displayed, if the software received some data within 3 seconds, a red laser_active icon will be displayed.


Received data from the laser rangefinder



GNSS button on the main screen and the display options





Classic and topoXplore layouts

ClassicLayout Explorer7Layout